Tenterden Pudding Club

Once a month (on the last Friday in each month), various Tenterden-based professionals and business people (solicitors, accountants, estate agents, IFAs, telecom consultants, bank managers, insurance brokers, etc) get together for an informal, single-course lunch and a bit of networkingThere is no need to commit to attending (nor to apologise if you cannot attend), but if you are in business in...
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Top tips for 2010

In the Law Society Property Section magazine for this month, 11 members of the section’s executive committee gave their top tips on how to prosper in the new decadeAlmost all of them were very good, but almost all of them were steps, attitudes and procedures we at Nelsons Property Lawyers had adopted from Day 1 – we are looking for ways to imprive beyond these relatively basic client...
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Tenterden accountants get it together

Two firms of accoutants with offices in Tenterden are to merge with effect from April Fools’ Day (1 April 2010)Phipps & Co, who also have offices in Rye, will merge with Gibbons Mannington, who also have offices in Rye (and in Bexhill as well)As Phipps & Co have only relatively recently returned to Tenterden, re-absorbing the Day Peto & Co practice that had previously spun...
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Speedy service

Even for ex-clients, we offer a speedy serviceWe acted when husband and wife bought a house together in 2006. They are splitting up, and he does not want to use us as we have acted for her on various transactions over the past few years. They have therefore gone to a “neutral” firm to handle the sale of the house.This morning, we received an email from the wife, asking for a...
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What does Google have to do with referral fees?

“You don’t buy it with ads [or referral fees]. You earn it, and you earn it customer by customer, search for search, answer by answer.” – Eric Schmidt of Google on Fox Business News in 2009Despite that comment, Google chose to advertise during the televising of the Super Bowl on 7 February, so perhaps people’s views, or circumstances, or both, changeUntil very...
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I try to avoid wearing a business suit for work – I am more comfortable in sports jacket and trousers, and I think clients and potential clients are more comfortable not dealing with “a suit”Last week, however, I had to wear a suit on three of the five weeekdays – once for a funeral, once for a meeting at another solicitor’s office and once to attend an auction on...
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